specifications for dry construction

List of services for drywall construction - Current prices & costs for drywall construction

A List of services for drywall construction is an indispensable document for building owners, architects and construction companies. It contains a detailed description of the dry construction work, including choice of materials, quantities and construction work. In the process Drywall costs and Drywall prices play a decisive role, as they have a direct influence on the construction calculation. But how are these costs made up and which factors must be taken into account in a Dry construction tender be taken into account? We take a look at this in this article.

Specifications for drywall construction - what are they?

A List of services for drywall construction is a detailed list of all the work and materials required for a drywall construction project. It serves as the basis for offers from construction companies and enables transparent cost planning. A precise bill of quantities contains:

  1. Detailed description of the drywall work (e.g. erection of plasterboard walls, installation of ceilings)
  2. Material specifications (plasterboard, profiles, insulation materials)
  3. Quantities and dimensions
  4. Execution standards and DIN standards for drywall construction
  5. Prices and invoicing for drywall construction

The more precise the specifications for drywall construction are, the fewer risks there are for construction defects in drywall construction and unexpected additional costs.

Drywall costs - What factors influence the prices?

The cost of drywall work varies depending on the type of drywall, as plasterboard walls, suspended ceilings or partition walls have different price structures. Material costs also play an important role in drywall construction - although high-quality materials are more expensive, they often offer better insulation and durability. 

How does the effort affect the costs?

The amount of labour involved has a significant impact on the overall costs, as complex designs or special requests take more time, which increases the hourly rates for drywall work. There are also regional differences, as drywall prices are usually higher in urban centres than in rural areas. In the end, however, it is not only the price that matters, but also the quality - a well-planned drywall construction lasts longer and provides exactly the feeling of space that you want.

Price list drywall - average cost per square metre

The cost of drywall work varies depending on the scope and choice of material. A price list for drywall construction can be found here:

Dry construction service Price per m² (approx.)
Plasterboard wall (single) 40 – 60 €
Plasterboard wall (double) 50 – 80 €
Suspended ceiling 40 – 70 €
Insulation and insulation 20 – 50 €
Filling and painting work 10 – 30 €

These prices serve as a guide and may vary depending on the region and provider.

Specifications for drywall construction - How do you create one?

A professional List of services for drywall construction requires a clear structure. The following points are crucial:

  1. Project description: Define the construction project with all requirements.
  2. Detailed service description: Indicate what work is required, e.g. installation of plasterboard walls.
  3. Material specifications: Describe the materials accurately, including DIN standards.
  4. Quantity determination: Calculate the required square metres and components precisely.
  5. Price calculation: Request quotes from specialised companies to get realistic drywall costs.

A well thought-out bill of quantities is like a construction plan for clear agreements - the more precise, the fewer surprises on the construction site. Those who make the effort not only save nerves in the end, but often also money.

Material costs for drywall - What role does quality play?

Material costs in drywall construction are a significant component of the overall costs. The material quality not only influences the price, but also the durability and stability of the construction.

  • Plasterboard: Standard panels are cheaper than moisture- or sound-insulating variants.
  • Profiles & substructures: Aluminium is more durable than wood, but also more expensive.
  • Insulation materials: The costs vary considerably depending on the insulation requirements.

The use of high-quality materials reduces the risk of construction defects in drywall construction in the long term.

Drywall calculation - How to calculate your costs accurately

A precise calculation in drywall construction not only saves money, but also prevents unpleasant surprises during the project. Whoever Space requirements, material costs, labour time and any additional costs realistically, you stay on the safe side financially. Unforeseen work in particular can quickly hit the budget - so it's better to plan a small buffer than having to make improvements at the end

Ausschreibung für den Trockenbau – Darauf sollten Sie achten

With a Dry construction tender transparency is crucial. Make sure that all services are clearly defined and that there is no room for interpretation. Quotations should be obtained on the basis of a detailed bill of quantities in order to avoid hidden costs.

Avoiding construction defects in drywall construction - reducing costs and risks

Errors in drywall construction can be expensive. The most common construction defects include

  • Wrong choice of material: Plasterboard with insufficient load-bearing capacity.
  • Poor insulation: Insufficient sound insulation or heat loss.
  • Inaccurate assembly: Incorrectly adjusted profiles or improperly levelled walls.

These mistakes can be avoided with careful planning and qualified specialists.

Why a plasterboard wall is not a supporting hero, but still plays a major role

Many people think that a Plasterboard wall genauso stabil ist wie eine Mauer aus Beton oder Ziegeln – aber das ist ein Missverständnis. Im Trockenbau geht es um leichte, flexible Konstruktionen, die sich schnell aufstellen und verändern lassen. Doch worin liegt das Geheimnis der Stabilität? Die Basis jeder Trockenbauwand ist eine Unterkonstruktion aus Metallprofilen oder Holz, die die Last trägt. Darauf werden Gipskartonplatten befestigt, die eine glatte Oberfläche schaffen.

But this is where it gets technical: the type of construction determines the strength. A single-panelled wall (i.e. only one layer of plasterboard on each side) is cheaper, but also less stable. If you want more robustness and sound insulation, you should opt for a double-panelled wall. Here, two or more layers of plasterboard are fitted on top of each other. In addition, the gaps can be filled with insulating materials such as mineral wool to dampen sound and improve energy efficiency. But be careful: screw spacing, joint formation and the correct filling technique are essential to avoid cracks and unclean transitions!

The hidden maths behind the drywall prices per square metre

At first glance, the price for Drywall work per m² easy to calculate: square metres times the price - done. But in reality, there is a complex calculation mechanism that is made up of several factors. In addition to the pure material costs for plasterboard, profiles and insulating materials, factors such as the construction height, the shape of the wall and additional requirements also play a role.

Beispielsweise steigen die Kosten exponentiell, wenn spezielle Anforderungen wie Schallschutz, Brandschutz oder Feuchtraum-Tauglichkeit dazukommen. Eine Standard-Gipskartonwand kostet vielleicht 40 – 60 € pro m², aber mit zusätzlichen Anforderungen wie schwer entflammbaren Platten nach DIN 4102 oder einer erhöhten Tragfähigkeit für Hängeschränke kann der Preis schnell in den dreistelligen Bereich klettern.

The hourly rates for drywall work are also crucial: wages are higher in large cities or for highly qualified specialists. Anyone wondering why the prices of one provider are cheaper than those of another should check carefully: Are DIN standards adhered to? Is the quality of the materials comparable? Or are there hidden supplements in the calculation? A cheap offer can quickly become expensive if reworking is necessary in the end.

Warum ein schlechtes teurer ist als ein gutes – Leistungsverzeichnis im Trockenbau

Ein unsauber erstelltes Leistungsverzeichnis im Trockenbau ist wie eine ungenaue Einkaufsliste – es führt zu Verwirrung, unnötigen Kosten und im schlimmsten Fall zu rechtlichen Streitigkeiten. Warum? Weil ein gutes Leistungsverzeichnis alle Details enthält: von der Gipskartonqualität über die Anzahl der benötigten Schrauben pro Quadratmeter bis hin zur exakten Art der Unterkonstruktion.

What are examples?

Let's take the example of a Suspended ceiling. Ohne klare Vorgaben im Leistungsverzeichnis kann der ausführende Betrieb selbst entscheiden, ob er eine günstige, einfache Montage mit wenigen Befestigungspunkten wählt oder ob er eine verstärkte Version für bessere Stabilität baut. Letzteres ist sicherer, kostet aber auch mehr. Ähnlich sieht es bei Schallschutzmaßnahmen aus: Ist nicht genau definiert, welche Dämmstoffe verwendet werden sollen, könnte der Auftragnehmer eine günstigere, aber weniger effektive Variante wählen – mit der Folge, dass der Schallschutz mangelhaft ist.

A good specification of services in drywall construction is therefore not just a checklist for offers, but also a guarantee of quality. If you cut corners here, you will pay for it later - either through expensive rework or poor building quality in the long term.

Building defects in drywall construction: why the biggest mistakes are often invisible

Poorly installed drywall is not immediately noticeable - and that is precisely the problem. Many defects only become apparent months or years after completion. The most common construction defects in drywall construction are not visible, but structural defects:

  • Inadequate fastening of profiles: Too few or incorrectly placed screws can cause walls to "wander" or ceilings to sag.
  • Incorrect insulation or missing vapour barrier: The wrong choice of material is a disaster, especially in damp rooms - mould growth and moisture damage are the result.
  • Poor joint filling: If joints are not properly levelled and sanded, cracks can occur - especially if the building settles or temperature fluctuations occur.
  • Missing expansion joints: Large areas of plasterboard must be provided with expansion joints. Without these, material movements can lead to stress cracks.

The result of such defects? Expensive rework and, in the worst case, complete demolition of the construction. The following therefore applies: Observe DIN standards for drywall construction, use high-quality materials and do not compromise on the design!

Digitalisation in drywall construction: smart planning for precise calculations

The days of handwritten notes and chaotic construction site agreements are long gone - digitalisation in the trades is also changing drywall construction. According to a recent Statista study (2024), more and more companies are using digital bills of quantities to accurately calculate costs and material quantities. Digital tools make it possible to compare drywall prices in real time, prepare requests for quotations more quickly and plan projects more efficiently. 

This not only saves time, but also minimises errors that can occur with manual calculations. Those who see modern drywall construction not just as a construction site, but as a smart system, remain economically competitive - and always have an overview of current costs and performance. You can find out more about the study here: Statista - Digitalisation in the skilled trades


A detailed List of services for drywall construction is the key to realistic cost planning and a successful construction project. Drywall prices per m² depend on various factors such as choice of material, region and labour costs. If you draw up a bill of quantities carefully, you can save costs and avoid construction defects.

Zeitarbeit International - Your partner for dry construction projects

If you need professional drywall installers, we can support you Temporary Work International You with experienced personnel and customised solutions. Thanks to our network of specialists, we offer flexible and cost-effective solutions for your construction project. 

Whether drywall construction, building construction, civil engineering or special projects - Zeitarbeit International supports you with experienced specialist personnel that precisely match your requirements. Thanks to our extensive network, we not only provide drywallers, but also painters, floor layers, electricians and other skilled tradespeople. Our solutions are flexible, efficient and customised to ensure that your construction project runs smoothly. Regardless of whether you need short-term assignments or long-term projects - with us, you have the right partner at your side.

You can find more information at: Temporary Work International - temporary employment construction industry.

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