A1 certificate

Posting abroad: Carrying an A1 certificate is mandatory

The so-called A1 certificate is an important document when employees are posted to work in other EU countries. Here you can find out more about the purpose of the A1 certificate, who needs it, which countries it applies to and where the certificate must be applied for.

Employees are generally subject to the social security regulations of the country in which they are employed. But what is the legal situation in the case of temporary employment abroad? Are the regulations of the home country or the regulations of the country in which the employee is temporarily working applicable?

When posted within the EU, the posted employee must carry a certificate of posting, the so-called A1 certificate. This confirms to the respective social insurance institution that the employee continues to be covered by the social insurance system of their home country while working abroad.

Avoid double contributions

The A1 certificate thus serves as proof that the social security regulations of the country from which the employee is posted continue to apply to the employee during the posting abroad. This prevents social security contributions from having to be paid twice.

For which countries is the A1 certificate valid?

The A1 certificate is required for professional assignments abroad. within the EU and for postings to Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Great Britain and Northern Ireland required.

EU member states are current:

Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus

The duration of the stay abroad is irrelevant. Even with short business trips to other EU countries there is an obligation to carry the A1 certificate. In the case of short-term business trips abroad or short-term activities abroad of up to one week, it is generally permitted to submit the A1 certificate later. However, it is recommended that the certificate is applied for in these cases at least before the posting.

Where must the A1 certificate be applied for?

Companies in Germany that send an employee abroad must submit the A1 certificate to the employee's health insurance fund. Apply electronically. In the case of employees with private health insurance, the application must be submitted to the relevant pension insurance fund. If the employee is also covered by an occupational pension scheme, the application must be submitted to the Arbeitsgemeinschaft berufsständischer Versorgungseinrichtungen (ABV).

Tip: Print out the electronically transmitted A1 certificate and give the document to the employee or provide them with the certificate digitally. It is important that the employee can show the certificate on site if requested.

A1 certificate

A permanent certificate is issued in certain cases

A simplified regulation applies to employees who regularly in different EU countries work ("usual multiple gainful employment"). For these persons, a A1 certificate for a period of up to five years can be issued for all EU member states in which the gainful employment is usually carried out. This regulation can be used, for example, for long-distance lorry drivers who regularly travel in other EU countries.

A "habitual" activity in another EU member state is always assumed if the activity is carried out there at least one day per month or at least five days per quarter.

In Germany, such a permanent certificate must be applied for from the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds (GKV-Spitzenverband). The German Liaison Centre for Health Insurance Abroad (DVKA) is responsible for such applications.

Is an A1 certificate also required for a transit country?

Whether an A1 certificate is also required for a transit country depends on whether the employee is working in the transit country or not.

Example 1If a fitter travels from Germany via Austria to Slovakia to carry out a job there, he needs an A1 certificate for Slovakia, but not for Austria because he is only travelling through and not working there.

Example 2A lorry driver transports goods from Germany via France to Spain. In this case, the employee requires an A1 certificate not only for Spain, but also for France, because he also carries out his activity - the transport of goods - in France.

What are the consequences of failing to comply with the certification obligation?

Anyone who is unable to present an A1 certificate during an inspection risks not being granted access to company premises, construction sites, etc. in the respective country. Furthermore, failure to carry the A1 certificate may result in a fine being imposed.

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